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魅族手环惊艳亮相 优秀设计引外媒齐力盛赞

来源: 编辑:vbeiyou 时间:2016-12-09 02:41 人阅读

魅族手环惊艳亮相  优秀设计引外媒齐力盛赞(图1)

CNET Although its construction is made of plastic, its finished makes it feel soft in the wrist, simulating the leather a little. The buckle of the Meizu Band looks good and works great. “尽管是表带是塑料材质,但穿戴起来却非常柔软,有点像皮革制品的质感。魅族手环的表扣外观和实用性都极佳。”

说明: Engadget 德国

Engadget Aesthetically it comes with a very minimalist design that continues to demonstrate the good taste that the brand is printing on its latest products. “从审美上说,它展现的极简主义风格的设计阐述了魅族品牌在他们最新产品的良好的设计品位”

说明: Android Authority

Android Authority While there are plenty of affordable Fitbit devices out there, the company still has yet to secure a position in the ultra affordable fitness tracker market. That space is slowly but surely being filled by various Chinese manufacturers, who have managed to push out some surprisingly high quality hardware at extremely low prices. “尽管Fitbit也推出了相对优惠的产品,但他们仍无法在超低价健康追踪设备取得主导位置。这个空间正毫无疑问地被中国制造商占领,他们正以极低的价格推出一些令人惊讶的高品质硬件设备。”

说明: Gizmochina

Gizmochina Many smartbands today have a non-integrated body, which means you can remove it from the strap. However, Meizu is using a different approach here by using an integrated design with double component injection technology. This is probably why the Meizu band looks curvier and I am sure many will like this design. It definitely looks more stylish than some other offerings at this price. “现在大部分的手环都不是一体式的设计,你可以从表带上取下来。但是魅族却用一体式的设计和双色注塑工艺表现了不同。这是为什么魅族手环看起来如此圆润,相信很多人会喜欢。这当然也使魅族手环在同等价位的穿戴产品中鹤立鸡群。”

魅族手环惊艳亮相  优秀设计引外媒齐力盛赞(图5)

FoneArena With a hidden OLED display, the device tells time, counts your steps, computes the number of calories you've burned, and tracks your heart rate. In other words, it does everything that a proper fitness band is supposed to do. 魅族手环使用隐藏的OLED显示屏,设备会显示时间,计算您的步数,计算您所燃烧的卡路里的数量,并跟踪您的心率。换句话说,它会做一个适当的健康追踪器应该做的一切。”

说明: Digital Trends

DigitalTrends For just $33, the smart band packs quite a punch and really is quite comparable to most other wearables on the market. 这个智能手环仅仅33美元,对目前市场是一记重锤,在可穿戴领域非常有竞争力。”

魅族手环惊艳亮相  优秀设计引外媒齐力盛赞(图7)

Techrader Big fitness for a small price You don’t have to spend a fortune to get a basic fitness tracker, but if you want features like a touchscreen, a heart rate monitor and multi-sport tracking the price can start to rise. That is, unless you buy the new Meizu Band, which offers all that and more for just ¥229 (around $35, £25, AU$45). 大健康,小价格 你不需要在一款有基础功能的运动监测手环上花很多钱,但一旦你想要一个有触摸屏心率检测和多功能运动状态的运动监测器,价格一下子就上去了。除非,你买的是魅族新出的手环,这些高级功能全都有,而且只要229元(大约35美元/25英镑/45澳元) 总结: 以上我们汇总了多家主流外媒的评价,大家也可以去查看更为详尽的评测,而我们发现外媒的评价基本一致在肯定魅族的设计和材质,可以看到外媒对魅族手环在这个价格水平的态度是较为满意的。而昨天魅族手环也在京东商城正式开售了,开售数个小时内就宣告售罄,可见这款手环在国内也是十分受消费者欢迎。根据魅族今天的消息,下一批手环将在12月12日京东&天猫再次开售。


